
Arrow Drilling is a locally owned company serving NW Oregon since 1956. We are committed to providing professional well drilling products & services for our customers.

Your Trusted
oregon Well Drilling Partner.


Years of Experience

About Our Company

Arrow Drilling is a locally owned company serving NW Oregon since 1956. We are committed to providing a quality product and service for our customers.

John Stadeli, owner, is a third-generation driller with over 40 years of experience in the drilling industry. He leads a crew of professionals who follow his lead to provide great service to our customers.

At Arrow Drilling, we take pride in preserving and protecting the resource while providing personalized, professional service to all our customers.

Oregon Ground Water Association
NGWA Groundwater Association
Pacific Northwest Ground Water Association
Oregon International Ground Source Heat Pump Association


What People Are saying

“I called John at arrow to get a well drilled. I’m a DIY guy so I had a lot of questions. John answered all my questions and I never felt rushed. His guys came out to drill and were very professional and had good attitudes.”

– CarClassics72

years of drilling

feet drilled

Wells installed

Drill Rigs

Licensed Drillers



Over the years we have been asked many questions about the water well drilling process in Oregon. Typically, the most common questions about water well drilling revolve around the drilling process, water quality, depth of the well, and the associated costs involved.

The depth of a water well can vary a lot depending on different things:

  • Ground Stuff: It all depends on what’s going on underground. Some places have water closer to the surface, while others have it deeper down.
  • Water Table: Think of it like the level where the ground gets soggy. Wells can be shallow (above this level) or deep (below it), depending on where they tap into the water.
  • How Much Water You Need: If you’re just using water for your house, you might not need a super deep well. But if you’re doing big stuff like farming or industry, you might need to dig deeper to make sure you’ve got enough.
  • Fancy Drilling Gear: Newer tech means we can dig deeper more easily. But going deeper usually means spending more money.
  • Rules and Stuff: Some places have rules about how deep your well has to be, usually to keep the water clean and safe.

So basically, how deep your well needs to be depends on where you are, how much water you need, and what’s underground. It’s always a good idea to chat with experts or local folks who know the area to figure out the best depth for your well!

The cost of drilling a new water well in Oregon can vary based on several factors:

  • Location within Oregon: Prices may differ between rural areas, suburbs, and urban regions of Oregon due to accessibility, terrain, and local drilling regulations.
  • Depth of the Well: Deeper wells typically cost more to drill because they require more time, labor, and specialized equipment. Oregon’s diverse geological landscape can influence drilling depth and complexity.
  • Geological Conditions in Oregon: The type of rock or soil in Oregon being drilled through can impact the drilling process and cost. Certain areas may have harder formations, affecting drilling difficulty and expenses.
  • Drilling Method: Various drilling methods are used in Oregon, each with its own associated costs. Factors such as soil composition and access constraints can influence the choice of drilling method.
  • Permitting and Regulatory Costs in Oregon: Oregon may have specific permitting requirements or regulations for well drilling, adding to the overall cost. Ensuring compliance with local regulations is essential.
  • Additional Services: Additional services like well casing, pump installation, and water quality testing can contribute to the total cost of drilling a new water well in Oregon.
  • Market Conditions in Oregon: Factors such as market demand, availability of drilling equipment, and labor costs can influence pricing for well drilling services in Oregon.

Overall, the cost to drill a new water well in Oregon can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars or more. It’s essential for individuals in Oregon to obtain quotes from reputable drilling companies, consider all associated costs carefully, and ensure compliance with Oregon’s regulatory requirements before proceeding with drilling a new water well.

In Oregon, various types of equipment are used to drill water wells, depending on factors such as geological conditions, well depth, and drilling method. Some common types of equipment include:

  • Drilling Rigs: These are the primary machines used to drill water wells. They come in different sizes and configurations depending on the depth and diameter of the well being drilled. Rotary rigs, cable tool rigs, and percussion rigs are some examples commonly used in Oregon.
  • Drill Bits: Drill bits come in various sizes and types to suit different geological formations. For example, tungsten carbide or diamond-tipped bits are used for drilling through hard rock formations, while softer formations may require different materials.
  • Drill Pipes: These are hollow steel pipes that are connected and lowered into the borehole during drilling. They provide structural support and allow for the circulation of drilling fluids to cool the drill bit and remove cuttings from the borehole.
  • Pumps and Compressors: Pumps are used to circulate drilling fluids (such as water or drilling mud) down the drill pipe and back up to the surface, carrying cuttings with them. Compressors may also be used to provide air for pneumatic drilling methods.
  • Casing and Screen: Once the well has been drilled, steel casing may be installed to prevent the collapse of the borehole and to protect the well from contamination. Screens may also be used to filter out sediment and prevent sand from entering the well.
  • Support Equipment: This includes auxiliary equipment such as trucks, trailers, generators, and water tanks, which are necessary for transporting drilling rigs to the site and providing power and water for the drilling operation.
  • Testing Equipment: After drilling is complete, various testing equipment may be used to assess the quality and quantity of water in the well. This can include water level indicators, water quality meters, and flow meters.

These are just some of the common types of equipment used to drill water wells in Oregon. The specific equipment and methods used will depend on the unique characteristics of each drilling project.

The safety of water from a water well depends on several factors, including the location of the well, the depth of the well, local geological conditions, and potential sources of contamination. Here are some points to consider:

  • Regulations and Testing: In many places, including Oregon, there are regulations in place to ensure the safety of water from private wells. These regulations may require periodic testing for contaminants such as bacteria, nitrates, metals, and other pollutants.
  • Well Construction: Proper construction of the well, including casing and sealing, can help prevent surface water and other contaminants from entering the well and affecting the water quality.
  • Geological Factors: The geological conditions surrounding the well can influence the quality of the water. For example, wells located in areas with naturally occurring arsenic or radon may have higher levels of these substances in the water.
  • Human Activities: Human activities such as agriculture, industrial operations, and improper waste disposal can introduce contaminants into groundwater, potentially affecting the safety of well water.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the well and its components, such as pumps and screens, can help ensure the continued safety and reliability of the water supply.
  • Testing and Treatment: Even if water from a well initially tests safe, it’s essential to continue monitoring its quality over time. Depending on the results of testing, treatment methods such as filtration, disinfection, or reverse osmosis may be necessary to remove contaminants.

Overall, while water from a well can be safe to drink, it’s essential for well owners to be proactive in ensuring its safety by following best practices for well construction, maintenance, testing, and treatment. Consulting with local health authorities or water professionals can provide valuable guidance on ensuring the safety of well water.